Monday, September 5, 2016

Altilaris's Journal Sunday September 5 2456: How I was Saved

Altilaris's Journal 

Sunday September 5 2456: How I was Saved

    When I woke today, I found I was on a neatly made bed, with a few layers of silk sheets covering me, How did I get their? I don't know. I tried to think through how I ended up in this place. The last thing I remembered, was somebody throwing me into a dark place, and being scared. 
    Then I quickly jumped out of the bed, my blood turned icy cold. What if the person who threw me in that place was part of those murders? Then again, another thought came through my head, that calmed me down a little. If he was part of that band, I would be dead by now, and certainly, he would not lay me down on a bed. I looked around my surroundings, and found that I was in a small white room. No decorations, only a white door with a yellow handle. 
    I was at the edge of the room, behind me, was the bed that I was sleeping in, and to the left of me, their was a brown desk. A desk with a note. I gasped, quickly, I took the note into my sweaty, and shaking hands. My vision blurred a little, but only for brief a moment. The note read: 
  Dear Altilaris,
I apologize for the surprise, but last night, as you may know, a band of men attacked, now, we do not know who these men were, all I know is that they killed your parents, and are now after you. I have saved you before they had a chance to lay hands on you.   
    I sighed a little, it sounded like the man who ran of with him, was a friend, but then again, this could be a trick. I read on.
I had to hide you, so a throw you into my dark seller, and when the danger passed. I brought you to my orphanage, their we could find you a new family.
- Good luck,
    Realization surged through me, Mungrath, owned an orphanage in the middle of a big town called Nifir. He, must of brought me their. So I was in an orphanage. That made sense. Their was one problem though. I don't want to be in a orphanage. I planned to run away the first chance I got. 
    Suddenly, the door opened. A woman dressed in white, and wearing a gold, red badge, opened up the door, and read from a paper she was holding. "Altilaris Griminhake". That was me. She looked up at me. "Follow me" I problem would not have, but I saw what was on her hip. A brown stick, more then that. A Shocker.
    I had heard stories of it. Whoever got hit by it, would be shocked for about five seconds, and then lay on the floor in pain. A nasty thing. I did't want that to happen to me. So I followed her.
    She led me outside the room, to a marble table, their, about fifty kids were eating. I looked at the kids in disgust. They were all dirty, and smelly, most of them were snobby kids. Swearing at each other. Yelling. I was used to this in my small town, but what disgusted me was that the place seemed like it was a very fancy place. They probably could afford to take care of people here. But they did't.
    "You will eat breakfast here." She said not even looking at me Only at her paper. I looked at her, so this was what it was like to be in an orphanage. I sat down, promising myself I will run away very, very soon. 
    The kids were more smellier then I thought. I quickly eat breakfast. It was Velister, a white creamy sauce, not as appetizing, but its food. I looked around and saw some people finishing their food. I watched to see what they were doing after that. Most of them, threw bowls at each other, but some went over and gave it to the lady dressed white. I dodged a bowl being thrown at me, and gave my bowl to the lady. She yelled at me, "Who do you think you are?" 
"Only some people get that privilege, and you are not one of them!" She slapped me. Time to run. I pushed her aside, and ran to the nearest window. I was going to smash it, and run. 
    The lady started yelling at the kids, but I did't care, I ran to the window. Then a kid tackled me. "Got him!" He yelled, and soon, everybody was on top of me. I started fighting for them to get off, but they were so many. The lady pulled out her Shocker, and started it up. Blue energy sizzled across the stick. She got ready to hit me.
    Then the window crashed. Five of the clocked figures that killed my parents were their. My heart almost leaped out of my chest when I saw them. The kids started to run away, afraid. But, in their heap they tried and fell. They started yelling and screaming. I yelled at them to calm down. They did'nt listen. The lady turned off her Shocker, and ran. In my mess, I looked at the shards of glass hoping that they would somehow stab the clocked bullies. To my surprise, they did. 
    The kids got out of their heap, and ran away. I ran behind them, then, the clocked people recovered, one pointed at me, and my throat started to choke. My body started to shrivel up, and I yelled in pain. 
    I thought this was my end, thankfully it wasn't. The pain ended as soon as it came, and I heard somebody attacking the cloaked figures. I was about to run, when I saw who my savior was. Mungrath. This is the second time he saved me from those murders. I owed him my life. "Duck!" Mungrath told me. I did, he pointed a finger above my head, and then, everything went bright yellow, then white, then black. Until their was nothing. 

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